How Fast I Respond To Your Message Is Not About How Much I Like You

Rebecca Ahn
4 min readMay 18, 2021

We’re all prone to antisocial behavior, even the most bubbly extroverted Tracy Flicks among us. That has only become more pronounced with the pandemic. Socializing gets pretty hard when the whole world feels like it’s gone mad and is crumbling down around our very feet.

I’m no stranger to this feeling, especially lately, even though such a notion runs counter to the enduring image just about everyone in my life has of me.

Ever since I was a kid, I’ve seemed to people like the ultimate extroverted extrovert. In high school, they called me Becky “Bring It” Ahn. No I wasn’t a cheerleader, but I had the energy of one. I literally bounced off walls.

Photo by Skitterphoto from Pexels

So imagine my surprise to discover over the past few years that I’ve become a bit of a hermit. It happened so gradually that even I barely noticed, let alone others. Somehow, over time, I’ve become extremely private, grown tired of most other people, and developed a strong dislike for the spotlight… which ironically I seemed to adore as a child.

Some might call this growing up. I think of it more as growing inward.

The pandemic seems to have been a strong period of inward growth for a lot of folks. While this personal growth has been mostly helpful and illuminating, it has also come with…



Rebecca Ahn

Writer • Wanderer • Warrior | | Sharing stories that empower others to survive and thrive